At Integrative Psychiatry you are seen by a physician. Your appointment allows the time for your needs to be expressed.
Mental health problems have many causes and they manifests symptoms in different ways for different people. Integrative Psychiatry is a more complete way to help patients resolve the root cause of distress.
New tools allow a more complete look at how a person's neural functioning affect distress states. A state-of-the-art tool for true multi-modal care.
At Integrative Psychiatry of Chattanooga your are not placed in a room by yourself with a security camera and a call button to figure it out alone.
Mental health problems have many causes and they manifests symptoms in different ways for different people. Integrative Psychiatry uses the mind, body, and lifestyle approach in treating not only the symptoms but also the root causes.
We partnered with Myndlift to further the effectiveness of care to our patients. Higher quality data yields higher quality decision making.
We use ketamine infusions with ketamine-assisted-psychotherapy (KAP) to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, attachment injury, suicidal ideation and other symptoms.
Research has proven the benefit of ketamine infusions. Our clinics goal is to serve as the stepping stone on the road to a durable well being. Our levels of ketamine are designed to find the root cause of the issue, and oftentimes the process does not require re-treatment. A decreased level of re-treatment creates a better value for your money. Depression, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Chronic Pain and other conditions will be addressed by Dr. Pooler.
Ketamine is administered by IV infusion with Dr. Pooler providing experienced psychotherapy to guide you to healing insights and breakthroughs. Dr. Pooler is a physician (an M.D.) is fellowship trained in integrated psychiatry and also an anesthesiologist. He will be present to provide the critical care component necessary for its safe use. Our clinic uses state of the art ICU monitors in a soothing atmosphere to provide a safe and relaxing experience.
We are a research-oriented practice: our methods are well tracked, and we use research-based scoring. The research backed goal is to modify how the brain responds to distress in our lives.
Find Relief from Suffering here.
Contact us to schedule an appointment
Integrative Psychiatry of Chattanooga
2435 Broad Street
Chattanooga TN 37408
Phone: 423-680-6030
Fax: 423-435-9788
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